alpine sea hollyalpine sea holly43 buttercupbuttercup71 fire lilyfire lily40
anthuriumanthurium105 californian poppycalifornian poppy102 foxglovefoxglove162
artichokeartichoke78 camelliacamellia91 frangipanifrangipani166
azaleaazalea96 canna lilycanna lily82 fritillaryfritillary91
ball mossball moss46 canterbury bellscanterbury bells40 garden phloxgarden phlox45
balloon flowerballoon flower49 cape flowercape flower108 gauragaura67
barbeton daisybarbeton daisy127 carnationcarnation52 gazaniagazania78
bearded irisbearded iris54 cautleya spicatacautleya spicata50 geraniumgeranium114
bee balmbee balm66 clematisclematis112 giant white arum lilygiant white arum lily56
bird of paradisebird of paradise85 colt's footcolt's foot87 globe thistleglobe thistle45
bishop of llandaffbishop of llandaff109 columbinecolumbine86 globe-flowerglobe-flower41
black-eyed susanblack-eyed susan54 common dandelioncommon dandelion92 grape hyacinthgrape hyacinth41
blackberry lilyblackberry lily48 corn poppycorn poppy41 great masterwortgreat masterwort56
blanket flowerblanket flower49 cyclamen cyclamen 154 hard-leaved pocket orchidhard-leaved pocket orchid60
bolero deep bluebolero deep blue40 daffodildaffodil59 hibiscushibiscus131
bougainvilleabougainvillea128 desert-rosedesert-rose63 hippeastrum hippeastrum 76
bromeliabromelia63 english marigoldenglish marigold65 japanese anemonejapanese anemone55
king proteaking protea49 peruvian lilyperuvian lily82 stemless gentianstemless gentian66
lenten roselenten rose67 petuniapetunia258 sunflowersunflower61
lotuslotus137 pincushion flowerpincushion flower59 sweet peasweet pea56
love in the mistlove in the mist46 pink primrosepink primrose40 sweet williamsweet william85
magnoliamagnolia63 pink-yellow dahlia?pink-yellow dahlia?109 sword lilysword lily130
mallowmallow66 poinsettiapoinsettia93 thorn applethorn apple120
marigoldmarigold67 primulaprimula93 tiger lilytiger lily45
mexican astermexican aster40 prince of wales feathersprince of wales feathers40 toad lilytoad lily41
mexican petuniamexican petunia82 purple coneflowerpurple coneflower85 tree mallowtree mallow58
monkshoodmonkshood46 red gingerred ginger42 tree poppytree poppy62
moon orchidmoon orchid40 roserose171 trumpet creepertrumpet creeper58
morning glorymorning glory107 ruby-lipped cattleyaruby-lipped cattleya75 wallflowerwallflower196
orange dahliaorange dahlia67 siam tulipsiam tulip41 water lilywater lily194
osteospermumosteospermum61 silverbushsilverbush52 watercresswatercress184
oxeye daisyoxeye daisy49 snapdragonsnapdragon87 wild pansywild pansy85
passion flowerpassion flower251 spear thistlespear thistle48 windflowerwindflower54
pelargoniumpelargonium71 spring crocusspring crocus42 yellow irisyellow iris49