Image classification, object detection, image segmentation and instance segmentation datasets containing 37 categories of cats and dogs.
Original dataset: images (755MB), annotations (18MB)
Image classification dataset (752MB)
Image segmentation dataset (animal ROI; bluechannel) (769MB)
Object detection dataset (head bbox; VOC XML format) (359MB)
Object detection dataset (animal bbox; VOC XML format) (710MB)
Object detection/instance segmentation dataset (animal ROI; ADAMS) (726MB)
Conversion from original data:
Download the images and annotations archives and extract them, resulting in the annotations and images directories.
Create output directory at the same level as extracted archives.
Create virtual environment using these requirements:
python3 -m venv venv
./venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Python script: ./venv/bin/python . output
The output/subdir directory contains the image classification dataset
Object detection (head ROI)
Run the Python script: ./venv/bin/python . output
The output/voc-head directory contains the object detection dataset with the head ROI annotations
Object detection, image/instance segmentation (animal ROI)
Run the Python script: ./venv/bin/python . output
The output/bluechannel directory contains the image segmentation dataset
The output/adams directory contains the instance segmentation dataset in ADAMS format
Convert the ADAMS annotations into MS COCO using the wai.annotations library:
wai-annotations convert from-adams-od -i "./adams/*.report" to-coco-od -o ./coco/annotations.json --sort-categories --category-output-file labels.txt
Convert the ADAMS annotations into VOC using the wai.annotations library:
wai-annotations convert from-adams-od -i "./adams/*.report" coerce-box to-voc-od -o ./voc-animal